Preparing You to be a Better Professional

Informasi Pelatihan Change Management:

  1. Pelatihan Agent of Change Training
  2. Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management
  3. Effective Change Management & Acquisition
  4. Effective Mindset Management
  5. Leading Culture Change


Informasi Pelatihan Communication Skill:

  1. Body Language
  2. Communication Skill
  3. Effective PR Writing
  4. Great Public Speaking
  5. How to Communicate with Tact & Professionalism
  6. How to Handle Difficult Conversation
  7. Media Handling & Communication Skill
  8. MC dan Protokoler
  9. Focus Group DIscussion (FGD)
  10. Komunikasi Visual


Informasi Pelatihan Corporate Strategic:

  1. Close The Execution Gap
  2. Corporate Social Responsibilty
  3. Effective Crisis Management
  4. Effective Mindset Management
  5. Strategic Planning for Non Profit
  6. Think Smart - Act Smart
  7. Understanding & Managing Organizational Behavior
  8. Risk Management
  9. Ekspor Impor


Informasi Pelatihan Creative Thinking / Decision Making:

  1. Accurate Problem Solving & Decision Making
  2. The Confident Decision Maker
  3. Creative Thinking & Decision Making
  4. How to Get your Ideas
  5. Strategic Decision Making
  6. Why Decision Fails


Informasi Pelatihan Customer Service:

  1. Customer Experience Management
  2. Customer Service Skill
  3. Exectional Service Exceptional Profit
  4. How to Deliver Exceptional Service


Informasi Pelatihan Emotional Intelligence:

  1. Leading with Emotinal Intelligence
  2. Managing Emotions Under Pressure
  3. Selling with Emotinal Intelligence
  4. EQ Interview
  5. Pelatihan Empati


Informasi Pelatihan Finance:

  1. Basic Finance
  2. Best Practices of Cost Reduction and Cost Control
  3. Effective Internal Audit
  4. Finance and Acconting for Non-Financial Managers
  5. Financial Statement Fraud
  6. How to Read and Understand Financial Statements
  7. Pajak Penghasilan Pegawai pasal 21
  8. Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 23


Informasi Pelatihan Human Resources:

  1. Analisis Beban Kerja
  2. Best Practices for HR Personal/HR Assistant
  3. Competency Based HRM
  4. Effective HR Transformation
  5. Effective Strategies for Developing your People
  6. Effective Succession Planning
  7. Fundamentals of HRM
  8. How to Deal with Unacceptable Behavior
  9. Managing Toxic Workplace
  10. Strategic HRM
  11. EQ Interview
  12. Manajemen POAC


Informasi Pelatihan Knowledge / Project Management:

  1. Effective Knowledge Management
  2. How to Preapre & Implement Company Manuals
  3. Successful Project Management


Informasi Pelatihan Leadership:

  1. Advanced Leadership Skill
  2. Assertive Leadership Skill
  3. Appreciative Leadership Skill
  4. Basic Leadership Skill
  5. Charismatic Leadership
  6. Effective Leadership Bagi Kepala Sekolah
  7. Executive Coaching
  8. Fast Track To Successful
  9. Getting Results without Authority
  10. How to Lead A Team
  11. How to Manage Conflict
  12. Improving your Managerial Effectiveness
  13. Leadership Coaching
  14. Leadership for the first 90 Days
  15. Leading with Emotionall Intelligence
  16. The Art of Leadership
  17. The Science of Influence
  18. Transformational Leadership


Informasi Pelatihan Managing Quality:

  1. Pengendalian Kinerja Berbasis Malcolm Baldridge
  2. Quality Management Control System
  3. The Power of Business Process Improvement
  4. Effective Training for Trainer
  5. How to Turn Training & Development into Business Result
  6. Penyusunan Bahan Ajar
  7. Studi Kelayakan Usaha
  8. Character Building
  9. Gugus Kendali Mutu (GKM)
  10. Penyusunan Standard Operating Procedure


Informasi Pelatihan Marketing:

  1. Connective Branding
  2. Effective Marketing Strategy
  3. Marketing for Security Guards
  4. Market Intelligence
  5. Marketing Metrics
  6. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
  7. Riset Pasar/Market Research


Informasi Pelatihan Negotiation Skill:

  1. Contract Drafting & Negotiation Skill
  2. How to Bargain & Negotiate with Vendors
  3. Negotiation Skills
  4. Vendor Management


Informasi Pelatihan Personal Success:

  1. Achievement Motivation
  2. DNA of Success
  3. Effective Time & Stress Management
  4. Getting things Done
  5. Kewirausahaan
  6. Persiapan Pensiun
  7. Managing Your Boss
  8. The Science of Influence
  9. Meningkatkan Motivasi
  10. Jenjang Karir


Informasi Pelatihan Secretary Skill:

  1. Professional Secretary Advanced
  2. Manajemen Kesekretariatan dan Kearsipan
  3. Professional Secretary Basic
  4. Writing Skill for Executive Assistant
  5. Administrasi Kepegawaian

Informasi Pelatihan Selling Skill:

  1. Effective Sales Presentation Skills
  2. Handling Sales Objections Effectively
  3. Sales Planning & Management, Marketing Analysis & Decision Making
  4. Selling to the Subconscious Mind
  5. Selling with Emotional Intelligence
  6. Why People Buy


Informasi Pelatihan Supervisory Skill:

  1. Pelatihan Making the Transition from Staff to Supervisor
  2. The Ultimate Supervisor
  3. People Management Skill for New Supervisor & Team Leader

Artikel Manajemen

Perencanaan Tata Ruang

Customer Service Excellent